Landscaping & Irrigation
Your MPOA fees include the following landscaping services:
Custom Homes: The MPOA provides lawn cutting, edging along all hard surfaces and landscape beds as well as blowing all hard services clean, once a week in the summer, fall, and spring and every two weeks in the winter. Other landscaping and irrigation items as well as Pest Control are the Homeowner’s responsibility, however, the MPOA is here to help you coordinate and manage any Pest Control Services, for a fee, should you need it.
Patio Homes, Villas and Club Cottages: In addition to what is provided to custom homes, these homes receive edging, irrigation maintenance, fertilization, pest control, and regular landscape maintenance to maintain hedges, small tree trimming, shrubs, flowering plants, and other miscellaneous plants. The MPOA provides mulch to landscaping beds once a year (Oct/Nov), and palm tree trimming is performed twice a year (March/April and Oct/Nov). It is the Homeowner’s responsibility to trim large trees (oak, and other tall palms) if they need additional trimming. For owners with Coconut trees, we strongly recommend at least one additional trim to be performed prior to hurricane season. Hedges that grow above 10 feet are also the Homeowner’s responsibility.
Golf Village: In addition to lawn cutting, these homes receive edging, irrigation, fertilization, pest control, and regular landscape maintenance to maintain hedges, small tree trimming, shrubs, flowering plants, and other miscellaneous plants. Coconuts are trimmed twice a year (May/June and Oct/Nov).
Other Palms are trimmed once a year along with the application of mulch to the landscape beds. Large tree trimming, including Oaks and tall Palms, as well as hedges that grow above 10 feet are the Homeowner’s responsibility.
All Condos: Pest Control Services and landscape maintenance are arranged by each Condominium Board and is managed by the MPOA. To assure your wishes are carried out in a timely manner, all work order requests should be made directly to the MPOA. If requested, our staff will follow up with you as soon as the work is completed.